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The Minecraftier
Praceta Frederico de Freitas
2519-504 Charneca de Caparica



Welcome to The Minecraftier

This site was criated by - João Cravidão e Diogo Costa, two students of EBI da Charneca da Caparica, Portugal. In Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação - TIC ( Information and Communication Technologies - Subject of the 9th Year).

     Our site is very young, but we are trying to make it better:


      We will put: -Skins (done)


                          -Texture Packs



     If you want to help please write your ideas below and we will see what we can do! :D









What to put in our new website?

Data: 20-12-2012

De: MinePick



Did you get my email? I've got the website <a href=""></a>

Data: 01-12-2011

De: Mary

Assunto: Beginning

This is very good for a so young site! I hope you can improve the mods and the texture packs, but its alright!

Data: 01-12-2011

De: João

Assunto: Re:Beginning

Thank you for your comprehension and we will do more for make our site better!

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There are meny sites you can go and that are older then ours: